Career and study fair #TschüssSchule 2022
In mid-May, we took part in the #TschüssSchule career and study fair at the BBS Baßgeige in Goslar along with around 70 other exhibitors in order to get pupils excited about the training opportunities at STÖBICH.
With a total of 500 visitors to the fair, our stand in the vocational school was well attended. Here we held many informative discussions with future school leavers and their relatives. With success: we already accepted the first applications on site.
At the same time, people were allowed to take a look behind the scenes of the STÖBICH world and get to know some fire protection systems in our showroom at the central company headquarters around the corner. Our apprentices and their trainers were available to answer questions from all interested parties, assisted with hands-on activities and provided information on the individual apprenticeships (m/f/d).
Through a live construction with the Inventor program, the young people were able to immerse themselves in the everyday working life of a technical product designer and help construct at will. The assembly of a tentacle robot and a flashlight was interesting for prospective construction mechanics or mechatronics engineers. For future industrial clerks there was a small quiz and exciting details about a possible stay abroad (additional qualification European clerk). A tour of various departments and the training workshop as well as the live fire test rounded off the day. "The preparations were worthwhile, and we are looking forward to further activities," said Timon Mitzscherlich (technical product designer 2nd year apprentice).
Fancy an apprenticeship at STÖBICH? We look forward to receiving motivated applications: